Write a series of diary entries from the point of view of someone hiding, evading capture.
They can be hiding for whatever reason you like, but think about why they are writing in a diary and who they might hope will find it.
Write a story about a plane journey, set in times when flights had just become commercially available.
You could choose to create an atmosphere of excitement, fear and trepidation, or anything else you can imagine early passengers would feel!
Write an action or thriller story that takes place in an airport.
How can you use this setting to underscore the normal tropes of these genres?
You own a cafe and one day a customer leaves without paying their bill. You decide to track them down.
This narratoive should focus on character development throughout the self-imposed mission your character goes on.
When aliens invade earth, it is not to take over, but to beg for safety from an even greater threat...
Your character is out on their boat alone, when a sinister shadow passes below them.
Build intensity and an element of fear from the outset.
Your character enjoys being disruptive, unpleasant and mean, creating chaos wherever they go.
In the midst of a calm environment, this character enters the scene...
You are going to do a bungee jump for the first time. Describe the experience.
Consider your character's emotions, the sensations they will be experiencing, and their motivation behind attempting the jump.
Submitted by DarthChesnee
Write a scene where your main character has no control over their facial expressions or laughter. Instead, someone else controls them.
Your protagonist is hosting a party in the middle of the desert. Who are they and why are they here?
Imagine you are walking through a busy, vibrant, unfamiliar city in the middle of the night.
Write a poem about your surroundings and how it makes you feel.
Submitted by Skye Wander
Start your story with the words, “I was gone for five minutes! What happened here?”.