Adults Crime Writing Prompts

Uncover the Mysteries and Write Your Own Crime Thriller

Popular adults crime writing prompts

Newly added adults crime writing prompts


Choose any book, and rewrite the blurb so that it appears to be a different genre.

Word choice and emphasis on different aspects of a story can transform perceptions of a book entirely. Bonus points if your readers can guess which book it is!


Pulling up in your driveway, you notice your front door is ajar. No one should be home, but you have a sinking feeling you know who's intruded...

Continue this story.


Submitted by Oralie Penderwick

'She stared at me for a moment, then plunged the knife into my stomach.'

Write a story containing this line, whether you build up to it, or go from it.


Inspired by Charlotte Blake

You have been listed as an alibi for a friend who was arrested, but you know that you weren't with them at the time of the crime.

Write a story about this situation unfolding.


‘With the final flickering of the lights, I took a deep breath, knowing I had done everything I could to save us.’

Write a story that concludes with this line. Think which kind of storylines could logically lead to this finale.


Your main character has been charged with a crime they did not commit. Fortunately they know who the real culprit is, but it won't be easy to give them up...

Think about the circumstances of this crime, why your character has been implicated, and why they can't easily give the culprit up.


Write a suspenseful scene, in a story of any genre.

You are writing a single scene, so you do not need to provide backstory or outcome, but your characters and plot should still make sense. Consider the elements of suspense, like pace, atmosphere, motivations, and stakes.


Write about a typical day in a world where happiness has been outlawed.

Think about how and why this world would operate, and consider a character's daily life here.


Write a story about how a character who considers themselves to be entirely honest becomes an excellent liar.

What situation occurs for them to change their values so quickly?


Inspired by an anonymous user

Trying to walk home quickly in the storm, you notice drops of blood in the snow in front of you, leading away into the woods.

Continue the story...


Choose a villain from a story that you enjoy, and write a story in which they are the protagonist.

Now that the villain is the main focus of the story, what could a reader find out about this character?


Write a story featuring a character who never says no to a bet.

What kind of run-ins might this character have?

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