Heads and Tails
At a cafe
A bar
The street across
At work
At a wedding
Or if I got lost
Maybe the late shifts are getting to me
So dark there’s never anything left
Besides you, perhaps
Glimmering in the streetlights ahead
Reflecting in the puddles below
A memory stolen in the night
An introduction
An acquaintance
A look of familiarity
As the smile settles onto your face
And ricochets onto mine
Two sides of the same coin
But all that remains is tails
For I cannot remember the head
The face
The greeting
One side of the coin
Flipped over forever
The only thing smiling back at me
Is my own reflection in the puddle
As I take my leave and the deja vu
whirls through me
Quickly, suddenly,
but graceful at the same time
I look down to my desk
And there it remains
The streetlight to my late shift
The puddle to my dry day
The head to my tails
staring back at me.