In Time
I would be anything for you.
I might not be everything—
but I _would_ be anything.
I am absent in your presence most days but
here I am; as bright as the sun’s rays,
dark as the cold nights,
stars smiling at your success.
I hope you know I am proud.
I watch more than you know,
see more than you think,
laugh more at your disposition, which,
more often than not, is as dramatic
as I was at that age.
Don’t ever change that.
I would do anything for you.
I might not be perfect,
I may not be everything.
But I am yours as much as you are mine,
and we are together in this world;
sometimes cruel, sometimes heartless,
always beautiful in the subtlest of ways.
You may not see it, but trust with your heart you will.
In time.
If we were put on this world for a reason,
I hope my reason was to be anything for you.