Where I was stitched up by him
I was ripped apart by her
Where he would fix my wounds
With caution and care
She’d simply glue my fabric
Back together again
It took years for me to realize though
He ripped her apart in the same way
In which she tried to change me
Not because she wanted to attack
But simply because
That’s all she had been taught
I am being ripped up
At my seams
But not with il...
Most people enjoy it
Yet, the season that reminds me
Much like the flies outside of my home
There is buzzing inside my head
The kind of buzz that makes me believe
There is nothing more than maggots
Filling my insides
Not because I am rotting
Or because I am dead
Simply because I’ve left out for too long...
We had a rocky friendship
I can’t deny
But I believed
We’dstay close
We had to
Somehow stumbling
Through highschool and life
It didn’t matter
As long as we were together
But as my final text
Was left on read
I knew it was the end
I saw your account show up on my feed, and I shouldn’t have, but I opened it. You looked happier, much more than you did with me. And I should have been happy for yo...