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A lurid alloy of yellow stars, sizes aplenty, donned the ceiling of the parchment. It left no space for the silver miniature crescent moon braced upon the cliff of the page, as if it were attempting to flee from their celestial brethren.
Pronged emerald grass and rich soil soared from the parchment beneath the macabre of an aether above, scarlet critters with spiteful eyes veering into the abyss.
Garlic cringed and spied a figure buried within the grass, a sword ascending above their head. Was that supposedly the child? A memory, perhaps?
He lowered the parchment.
A pair of chestnut eyes twinkling with glee met his own, spittle cascading the corner of the child’s chin. They rocked upon their feet, clenching their little hands brazenly. A prideful grin was carved upon their mouth, pruned mucus bespoiling their nose.
“Gods be good.” He muttered and rested the paper upon the table. He never was fond of children.
“I drew you!” Said the boy, “Did you see?”
“I presumed it was you.” Garlic retorted and reclined upon the seat, nestling a hand atop his lap.
“No!” The boy lept and snatched the parchment, pointing to the figure with a finger violently. “See, Sir? That is you.”
Garlic’s nose scrunched as he scrutinised the grotesque creature. If the brows were tamed and if the figure wielded another blade, he would have concurred. The figure was mien to that old bastard of his Lord Father. “That looks nothing like me.”
The boy’s shoulders deflated.
The footsteps of a hundred dancing elven partners swirl around the room. The music swells with them as they seem to float. I watch the hall, awaiting the perfect moment to join into the fray. To make an impression in the Elven court, one must stand out. The music softens, the rhythm of feet stop as they prepare to swap partners. I step out, my sliver foot lands so gracefully upon the marble floor. But all eyes stare at her, a dazzling center of attention. Like a vase covered in mirrors. She steps out barely faster then I. Her gold laden foot steps out onto the ballroom floor and a hush falls upon the room. Her somber expression so vividly plastered upon her face, I swear I could see her pink lips twitch into a smile. Blonde hair so bright it could be white wraps around her golden long ears and falls down past her feet. Her opalescent eyes like tears in starlight, haunting. She floats down into the center, her golden dress blows behind like the wing itself. Elvren, I swallow that name like bile down my throat. Oh how perfect she is, with her far too symmetrical face, her short fingers and too long ears. Perhaps her father was an orc. Half the elven men approach her, wishing for the first dance. They each kiss her hand. I turn and walk silently towards the back once more, where all the young elves wait patiently for their turn. I will have to wait again, for a chance when she and her nymph like face are not there.
… … … … I saw the thought coming I knew it was bad Seen it’s destruction I’ve been told not to I know why as well So why didn’t I listen Why’d I do it still Scissors to skin Trying to draw blood Not a clue why Thinking it’s fine Normal and ok for me Knowing I’d worry If someone followed suit Even a bully Why can’t I cry I feel like I have to But instead I smile and laugh Like everything’s ok I don’t understand What’s happening to me
You’ve heard it, But I never showed it. I said “I love you,” but I never tried to kiss you. I’d get nervous when you’d lean for a hug, You were always by my side, but your affection, I’d just shrug.
I kept you on the sidelines too long. You moved on to another guy. I said ‘I love you,’ never proving it with actions Leaving you to question if words were true or wrong.
Now you’re gone, And I’m left in the silence, Wishing you were still here. Wondering what we could’ve been, If only I used more than words.
Our hearts are quite similar, Don’t you see? The one within you has been Scarred, And so has the one within me.
Scars cover my heart, Now no one wants it, Scars cover your heart, So no one will take it.
The scars on our hearts, They leave us to lives of Solitude, For nobody wants us.
Then our paths crossed, You and I met, And that’s when we realized, That with our scars, We could connect… So we did.
Paths intertwined, Lives intertwined, Souls intertwined, Everything about our Scarred selves And Scarred hearts Is intertwined.
The opposite of consrtruction Might just be destruction But there would be no production Without destruction.
For each and every brick And each and every stick Did not start with a magic trick But with destruction.
For the brick requires dirt And for that the earth gets hurt By mines the earth is girt And that is destruction.
Metals like iron, alloys like steel Farming for food to have a meal All break the earth, can you feel That is destruction.
So for the good of everyone Some destruction must be done Stewards of the earth we must become So that destruction becomes construction.
Her eyes are wide and blue, like a vast sea that could sway a sailor to stay with her forever. Her hands are smooth and her nails are perfectly polished. Her face is the shape of a heart with no blemish whatsoever. Her voice is like silk, every word she says lingers like the smell of flowers in the spring. Her hair is long and healthy, reflecting the light that shines on her; like the moon. Her waist is like an hourglass, counting down the next time he touches her. Her legs are long, without a single scar; like a newly glossed vase. Her feet even have appeal to them. Her entire essense is perfect. Down to the way she blinks. I wish I were her. I want to be her. To look like her. Because if I was, at least he would want me; crave me, the way he does her.
She loved the fair Especially the bouncy castle She jumped And jumped And played some games
Then it began The deflation
Lilly had to escape The deflating castle
It flattened And flattened More And more
It was slowly covering her Lilly was soon completely covered By the deflated castle She had to find a way out
She crawled around Trying to find an escape
Then she saw it A glimpse of the sky She headed towards it And made out
Lilly survived the castle Lilly: 1 Bouncy Castle: 0
The glass vial lay shattered on the floor. Glass shards still remain, piercing my hand. blood is dripping down my finger tips. my breath begins to catch in my lungs as i reach for my heart. i can hear it pumping in my brain. over and over and over again. bump, bump, bump. my vision becomes blurry and the taste of the vile liquid is now apparent in my throat. do you feel remorse? reading the words of my final moments. the moment your actions have led to? you. did. this. how does it feel? can you also feel the glass, taste the poison, hear the beat? my legs become weak. i stumble to the floor. landing on the glass and my other hand now becoming riddled with shards. i look up. i can no longer make out shapes, but i can see the light. the shine of the light that hangs from my ceiling. a dim warm hue. warm like you. my head hits the floor and my eyes are blurry once more. now from tears. they trickle down the sides of my face. i reach to wipe them, only smearing the blood from my hands across my cheeks. glass reminants find a home in my flesh. the light is dimmer now. almost distance. the beating has slowed and the taste watered down with my saliva. this is it. i close my eyes. welcoming, i breathe my last and final harsh breath. inhaling the imaginary sweet scent of you and exhaling the imaginary relationship between us.
I bought the biggest mirror I could find. I set it against my wall, stood back and stared. Disheveled I looked as my mind began its usual incineration of my body, until my glance changed to my eyes. Staring for so long real life began to fade.
I felt a cold wood under my feet. A brisk morning breeze sent a comforting chill down my spine. This is an unrecognizable satisfaction.
Peering up to a front yard, with a rusted old fence. My children ran past chasing each other. Their laughs levitated into the air, filling it with the simplest joy I have never experienced.
You came up behind me and touched my arm, laying your soft cheek on my shoulder. The scent of rose perfume filled my senses as we peered out into this new reality.
My glance snapped back to my broken gaze. Face now flushed, my eyes began to fog.