There was no sound. The rush of wind whistling through the short grass and stems of lichen and moss held no vibration - lost to time by a wish.
She had bade the loss of sound in order to hear for the babe - a whisper, or whine travel over the tundra, small movement within the still.
Her own body singed with desire, taught against her own thoughts. Without sound, as though thrust on a foreign world, she felt rather than heard, crush of caribou moss crackle against the leather of her feet.
She had traveled long, but had no way to know - there was no moon, and light was present or extinguished with only a thought.
Tundra spread, aching for snow - red as blood, dotted delicate flowers, with gold threading by masses of various moss, stark white as bone against the red. The horizon yawned in the vast measure, showing no end to the mats of plants in colors, leading to a beyond not known.
A baby waited within the folds of the land, tucked into the small tufts of red, golds and white - to be discovered.
She could not will the land to reveal the babe, for the land had given birth. She could only look for them, waiting to be picked and carried, as eggs from a nest. She and her people were all only born this way, sprouted as the bruised flowers beneath her.
That was how the first were born, alongside the caribou, wolves, birds, rodents and bears. Born together and raised together without fear of one another. All were equal as all were born as one, with wants and needs satisfied by imagination and thought.
Tribes had spread and the people walked with the animals. Some could walk far further than others and animals even more quickly, with great stamina.
She turned in silence, holding her breath.
The smallest of whimpers, so faint it would have been lost but for the throbbing silence willed into existence.
Moving lightly she crouched and crawled across the sinking plants, seeking life.
Gently feeling through the thick mats she felt the break and crush of small roots with each step but not finding the soft skin.
Tucked within the folds of moss she saw the tiny arm fling and then rest. Moving softly she reached the babe, folded within a womb of earth. She gently reached around his warm skin, breaking away the leaves, stalks, stones and earth to draw him forth. Delivering from his birthplace she brought him next to her skin- he reacted to her windswept cool, giving a small sigh, reaching with his tiny hands in surprise.
She eased him closer, under her breast, where the skin was warmer. She waited until tiny blinks, not yet fully open, rewarded her and she released air of tension she had been holding. With the breath, vibration of the earth flooded with sound, crashing with suddenness of a wave.
He cried in surprise, at the fullness of the sound, startled. Cooing she held him closer, providing a comfort she remembered.
Covering him she sank into the moss and nursed him, knowing milk would flow. He latched and sucked as though he had done it before.
With the wind she sang softly, feeling his face and watching his black hair ruffle in the breeze like moss flowers.
When he had finished, she stood and started her walk back to the tribe, willing light to stay the darkness.
The land cushioned her steps as she cradled her baby, bringing him from his birth to unite with the people, strong with will from the land itself as with all living things- in the beginning.