Writing Prompt


A peaceful alien lands in your backyard and wants to see your leader. Afraid of what Donald Trump would do, you act as the Leader of the Free World.

The scene has been set. Write a story based on it.


I am your leader


Alien says he needs to speak with someone in charge of alien intelligence because his ship broke down and he needs a spare part. You call your stoner friend, Rob, who is obsessed with all things alien to come over and help your new alien friend. Rob has a pet cat who he brings with him everywhere. Rob and his cat show up to your house but the alien is terrified of cats and starts shouting in some alien language. Rob’s cat freaks and hides inside the aliens ship. While rob tries to get the cat out, you toke up with the alien and talk about life on earth. You start talking about immigration and how the Trump Administration is being super not cool to all the immigrants. The alien realizes that you aren’t actually the leader of this place and gets mad at you for lying. Rob comes back in with his cat in a carrier. The alien gets mad and leaves to his ship, but he can’t get away cuz it’s broken You are rob are super high and freaking out that there’s an angry alien in your backyard right now! A few hours later the alien comes back in and says he’s sorry he got angry earlier. He thanks them for warning him about Trump’s dislike of immigrants so rather than relying on this country, he has sent word to his mother ship for help. You, Rob, and the alien chill the rest of the night until the alien’s space ship arrives to take him home.

No one will ever believe that this happened to you and Rob, but it was the best time of your life!