Writing Prompt
©2018 MiLo--MxMx

Write a story or poem using the image above as inspiration.
She cried. The soft sobbing kind. The kind where people can't her you. Her tears mixed with blood, not her blood, the red watery substance mixed to stain her cheeks as they ran down her face.
It was her fault but she cried. The soft sobbing kind. The kind where you know what you did can't be undone. Her tears mixed with blood to remind her of what she had done.
But still she cried. The soft so...
I should have known not to take that train
I should have seen his words for what they really were
All I can do now is stand here as my blood drips off my face and lands in the cold stream
The hot scarlet hardly even leaves a mark
Washed downstream before I can take a second glance
Thatâs all I was to him, just another victim, another drop in the ocean of his vileness
Another girl he couldnât...
My brain bleeds. I am confused. He has transformed again. From lover to abuser. This morning I laid my head on his chest after our lovemaking. This evening I have locked myself in the bathroom. His hard words echo in my head.
A tiny thing. A misplaced word. An uncensored comment. A misjudged action. The eggshells break. Anger explodes. His voice is raised. His words are cruel. His vitriol spews....