Writing Prompt


Write a story or poem using the image above as inspiration.

Write a story or poem using the image above as inspiration.


The secret world


Drystan was walking down the street when all of a sudden he was being pulled into the ground he screamed his clothes being left behind “help me!!!!” He screamed once more. It whatever it was had finished pulling Drystan “what’s going on?” He thought “where am I?” He said that aloud and surprisingly he got a reply “your in the secret world Drystan” the voice replied “hhhhow do you know my name?” Drystan asked “I know many things about you lad” the voice told him. Drystan looked around then he saw a demon looking creature “ahhhhh!!” Drystan screamed “it’s ok mate” the demon said “your not my mate I don’t know you!” Drystan told the demon. “ just follow me” the demon said “who are you?” Drystan asked “I’m Damien” Damien replied and Drystan did as asked and followed Damien. “What is this?” Drystan asked Damien he was looking at a large tank sort of thing with some red liquid in, “my blood” Damien replied as if it was normal “your blood!?!?” Drystan asked astonished “yes” Damien answered “enough questions” he added. When they approached another room Damien walked in and Drystan followed him, Drystan saw a huge fire pit “your not going to throw me in are you?” Drystan asked “no no no your my friend” Damien told him truthfully “then what are we doing?” Drystan asked “you will see” “Damien repeated twice “ok...” Drystan said cautiously. Then Damien threw something in the fire pit. “Say human and demon three times” Damien told Drystan “human and demon” Drystan repeated three times then the ground began to shake “what’s going on?!?” Drystan asked but before Damien could answer a huge devil thing appeared in the fire “Drystan” the devil said really loudly “I’ve been aspecting you” He roared
“Hello” Drystan said wearily “why am I here?” Drystan asked but the devil disappeared “I’m sorry” Drystan told Damien thinking it was his fault “it’s not your fault he had to go” Damien reassured Drystan. “Let me take you to your room” Damien said “room? I’m not staying I want to go home” Drystan demanded “look you have duty’s here lad” Damien said sighing “duty’s?” Drystan asked “yes I’ll explain soon” Damien answered “now get some rest” he added. Then Damien left the room leaving Drystan alone, “it’s strange down here” he thought “I wonder what my duty’s are?” He also thought. Restless Drystan thought about how he was just walking when he got sucked into the ground and met a demon and a devil. Then he slowly drifted off to sleep, he started by having a dream about his duty and he was very exited. In the morning Damien can into Drystan’s bedroom and demanded on a friendly way for Drystan to get out of bed and dressed, Drystan did what he was told and followed Damien into another room “this place is huge” he said to Damien “yep” Damien agreed then Drystan spilt his fruit juice all over the floor “sorry”