Writing Prompt
In a freak accident Michael lost control of all his senses and his muscles. His only solace has been the chugging train set his dad maintains for him. While his mother wants to switch his life-support off Michael's senses have recovered and he is slowly gaining back control of his fingers.
The scene has been set. Write a story based on it.
“No!” He thought. They could not do this! If only they knew his capabilities. Though his body had decayed, his mind had remained true, and so Michael had cultivated it, grown it within himself. Years of theorising and thought experiments can make even the dullest of people become erudite savants. And so he devised his own way to heal himself. It worked.
His fingers had already begun to twitch, ach...
Micheal was sitting on his couch with ambitious throughts running through his head. It was like dogs running in fields carelessly of the world around him,slobbering with a stick in his mouth dripping glass like balls of siliva. On his luxurious television was ‘the crock roaches ‘ whilst he was dreaming of what it would be like to be rich....
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