Writing Prompt
A straight couple have just received the good news that they are expecting a baby. But the soon-to-be-Dad was told months ago that he was infertile.
The scene has been set. Write a story based on it.
Betrayal. When Elle told me the news, I knew it couldn’t be true. We had tried for months to have a child, and after many failed attempts and tears, I went to a fertility doctor to find the truth we both couldn’t accept. After many tests, I learned that I was infertile, and therefore couldn’t have children. Elle was inconsolable, but willing to look at adoption as another choice. Then today happened. I knew I couldn’t be the father. We had begged the doctor for better news, but she couldn’t tell us what we wanted to hear. Now, as I sit alone in my room, dreading Elle’s return home from work, my thoughts twist and tumble. It can’t be an affair? Can it?
The News
The unexpected new was both joyous and odd.
They were expecting a baby! Finally,the one hurdle in their relationship was cleared. However,it was strange...
A few moths prior to the incredible news,Markus (soon-to-be father of the baby)was told he was infertile. He was unable to have a child. Having heard this broke both of their hearts,as they both had been desperately trying to conceive a child.
So,when they later learnt of his wife’s pregnancy,they were both confused. His wife (Maria) had sworn on the baby’s life and her own she hadn’t cheated on him. And he already knew he was unable to get her pregnant.
But,even after having checked with multiple birth tests (which all came up positive) they knew she was really pregnant.
How did she get pregnant?