Write a fantastical poem about shadows detaching from their objects and wandering free.

I Was Okay With That

I wasn’t sad you know

Or lonely necessarily

I was just-


And that was okay for me

I had a comfy chair I could sit on all day

I had books I could read for hours on end

I had me and my thoughts and feelings

And I was okay

I also wasn’t happy

Nor did I have much fun

I was just-


And I was okay with that

But then I finished my book

And as I closed it

So did the sun


I had never been sad you know

Not really

Nor had I ever been truly lonely

Not until then

Not until I closed my book

And the shadows were taken too

That’s when I felt lonely

And boy I wished so hard the shadows

I once had despised so much

Would return to me

Because even though all that time I was alone

My shadows had kept me company

And I was okay with that

But now I was alone

And I was lonely too

And I wasn’t okay with that

Not this time

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