Submitted by aaarco

Humans fear the dark, but what happens for those who seek it...?


The gate quickly started to close, the creaking growing louder as it slid closed. Sorren, Jax and Taylor skidded to a stop, panting heavily. I brushed past them as my body felt a surge of energy, adrenaline, and exhilaration. Taylor reached out to grab me, failing miserably.

“Renji, don’t!!”

On instinct, I sprinted and slid under the metal just in time, the gate slamming into the ground. I quickly got up and ran into the dark of the tunnel, ignoring Taylor’s command. My eyes immediately adjusted to the dark, the faint glow of my headset the only light I had. My feet echoed with every swift step, my heart starting to pound as my head started to feel focused and light. I could hear Taylor’s voice shouting from the entrance, quickly echoing into silence the farther I went into the tunnel. But I didn’t care. I couldn’t care less.

A familiar high settled into my mind, excitement and expectancy replacing my usual demeanor.

“_Neo levels elevated. Caution is advised._”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” I hissed, the AI chiming in my headset.

“_I’m here to help, Renji. When will you understand that?_” Sai said, a hint of irritation in her voice.

Another crackle and Taylors voice crackled into it.

“_What the hell are you thinking?! Are you insane?!_”

“We’ll lose him if we just stand by, I’m-“

“I don’t care! Your a target and your running right into them!! Get back here, now! That’s an order!!”

I scoffed and panted softly, “This is more important… Going dark.”

“_Renji! Ren-!!_”

I switched the comm’s off, continuing to run as fast as my legs and Neo let me. The sound of more footsteps grew closer the more I ran.

“Sai, scan for heat signatures.”

“_Of course._ _Scanning for heat signatures…_” Sai chimed, pausing for a couple seconds before responding again. “_Total of four heat signatures detected. Firearms are detected as well. Proceed with caution._”

“Got it.”

The tunnel split into three, curving into different directions. I skidded to a stop, my panting barely above a whisper.

“_Heat signatures detected in all routes, two in the left tunnel._”

I contemplated quickly, “Where does it lead?”

“_The left route leads to Fern’s, a small bar above the tunnel. The other two lead into sewer lines scattered across Sypher._”

Shuffling to the right made me whip towards it, my hand gripping my butterfly knife on my belt.

“_All heat signtures are closing in fast. Prepare for combat._”

My heart raced, hearing footsteps coming closer. I grumbled under my breath, “Let’s get to it then.”

I could feel my head get a little lighter, Sai chirped again.

“_Neo levels increased. Time until debility, 43 minutes and 12 seconds…_”

“I don’t think this will take that long.”

“_Let’s see it then._”

A smirk twitched at the corner of my lips at her comment. Within seconds, I was surrounded by masked syndicates, likely from The Silence. They all drew their guns and immediately fired. I swiftly raised my hand in front of me, a barrier formed in between me and the bullets, stopping them in their path. I huffed and twisted my wrist, the barrier dissipated and the bullets slowly turned back towards their owners.

“Dont you know who your up against?” I huffed, my eyes narrowing in the dark. I forced my hand towards the syndicates, the bullets flying back towards them, striking them and neutralizing them. One managed to quickly dodged and charged towards me, raising his gun towards me once more.

Sai spoke again, “_Neo increase detected. Corrected time of debility, 16 minutes and 45 seconds…_”

A bullet fired, blood splattered against the wall as I didn’t have time to focus. I groaned and twirled my butterfly knife out as I was right in front of the assailant in a matter of seconds. I swiped my knife at his body, slicing across his chest. He grunted and stumbled back. I didn’t give time for him to react as I plunged my knife into his side, twisting it violently before pulling it out once more. The assailant gurgled and collapsed to the floor in a heap.

“_Well done, Renji. All targets neutralized._”

I panted and leaned against the wall, clutching my arm as blood seeped from where the bullet grazed. My mind felt hazy, pounding with a horrid migraine, my nose starting to bleed.

“_I advise you sit, Renji. Your injured and alone._”

“No kidding…” I growled. I put my butterfly knife away and looked at the blood on my hands.

“_I’m trying to help but your stubbornness is infuriating._” Sai huffed. “_Whats with you today?_”

“Just shut up and let me focus for a second!”

I took a deep breath. I hadn’t felt the pain of the bullet until now. I winced and tighten my grip on my arm.

“_Does your anger have to do with Sorren?_”

“W-what? How did you-“

“_You always forget to take off your headset, Renji. I… may listen in at times._”

“Of course you do…” I spat as I rolled my eyes. Sai sighed and stayed silent. The exhilaration of the fight wore off and was replaced with irritation and exhaustion. There was a deafening silence as I thought of what to do. I didn’t feel like fighting anymore, not that I was in the condition to anyway.

“_Time until debility; 10 minutes and 58 seconds. Neo withdrawal is advised._”

I sighed and looked up into the darkness.

“… could I have done something different?”

“_I’m not sure I understand, Renji._”

I took another deep breath and held back my attitude, “The argument. With Sorren… should I have said or… done something different?”

Sai paused, she chirped in my ear as she spoke, “_Expaining to Sorren you knew his sister during the time she and you were missing is difficult to understand. Besides, it was impossible to determine if Ruin, or Evelyn Ariella, was alive. You escaped with six others, no? Was she not amongst you all?_”


“_I see._”

I felt myself sway a little and I leaned a bit more on the wall. “How… how was I suppose to know she managed to escape with the others too? Should I have waited? Should I have stayed behind? I-“

“_It’s pointless to mull over the past, Renji. What is done is done. But grief is difficult to surpass..._” She hesitated before continuing, “_… I’m sure you understand_.”

“Yeah, well, my brother didn’t go missing and come back as a psychotic mercenary.”

Sai suddenly laughed, catching me by surprise.

“_You are correct. But I don’t think I would be happy to find out my sister was alive all this time and didn’t bother to see me._”

I scoffed and nodded, “Yeah… I wouldn’t… either…”

Sai chirped again, her voice laced with concern, “_Neo levels decreasing. Please sit down, Renji._”

“I’m fine, Sai… I’m… fine…”

“_You are not fine. You need medical attention. _**_Now_**. _Overriding muted comms…_”

My attention shot up and I rapidly pressed buttons on my headset. “No, I’m fine, Sai!”

“_Muted comms overidden by lead operator. Connecting to Taylor Wittick…_”

A small crackle and the comms turned on.

“Renji!! Renji, are you alright?!”

I groaned and wiped blood away from my nose, “I’m fine, Taylor. All targets neutralized.”

Taylor sighed in relief, irritation still evident in his tone, “Good. Now get the _hell_ back here. We still haven’t managed to open the gate.”

“Theres no point. These tunnels lead around Sypher, one of them leading to Fern’s. Meet… meet me there.”

There was a pause.

“How much time do you have left?” He inquired, the comms crackling a little.

“Not much…” I panted softly, Sai interrupting our conversation.

“_Recalculated time until debility, 6 minutes and 45 seconds. Neo withdrawal is advised._”

Taylor groaned, “We’re they Silence syndicates?”

“Yeah. They had guns, with _real_ bullets. Not blasters.”

The silence in between responses grew, tension growing heavy. I put my back against the wall, feeling the familiar dizziness start.

“How the hell did they get those?!”

“I-I don’t know…” I slid down the wall and to the floor. I cursed under my breath and leaned my head back.

“_Neo withdrawal detected. Directions to Fern’s has been sent to you, Taylor._”



“Just hold tight. Dont move unless you have to. We’re on the way.”

My pants slowed and stabilized, my vision slowly adjusting to the darkness of the tunnel.

“Renji?” Taylor called out.

“Renji…? Renji…!”

I took off my headset, Taylors voice faint as I put it to the side. I closed my eyes and felt my eyes start to sting.

“_Are you alright, Renji? Your adrenaline is rising again._”

Sai spoke from my wrist watch, sending a soft glow in the darkness. “_…Ren?_”

“Dont… don’t call me that…”

“_Im just making sure you didn’t pass out yet._”

“C-can’t you detect that?” My body trembled as I spoke.

“_I would rather hear your voice then rely on my data. You didn’t answer my question, though. It’s good to keep you talking until help arrives._”

I didn’t want to answer it and staying awake didn’t seem appealing at the moment.

“I feel guilty. I should’ve tried to at least… explain and reason with him instead of.. well, you know how it ended…”

Sai hummed in response, “_Seems like the argument affected you more then you thought then. Your adrenaline is still rising. Focus your attention on something else for now. You’ll reactivate your Neo. Corruption is still possible during withdrawal._”

“Y-yeah… I know…”

There was so much on my mind, I didn’t want to think anymore. I was tired, in more ways than one. But there was something knawing at the back of my mind.


“_Yes, Renji_?”

“Show me vitals…”

“_Of course._”

A quiet chime came from my watch. A small holographic screen hovered over the watch.

“_Heart rate is at a steady 58. BP is 148. Oxygen saturation is 91%._”

“Makes sense…” My grip on my arm was loosening slowly.

“_I didn’t want to say anything to worry you, but yes. Your vitals are more then concerning._”

I let out a weak scoff, “So much for being helpful, huh?” I took a deep breath, “Show me past vitals after Neo spikes…”

“_Already on it._”

A few more screens appeared around my current vitals. The past ones were better then today, progressively getting worse every time.

“Do you see… what I’m seeing?”

“_Unfortunately._” Sai spoke with a dejected tone. “_Are you going to tell Taylor?_”

“No… I want to try and figure this out… before I have to. I don’t want to worry him…”

Sai sighed in frustration, “_Renji. Please. What if something happens to you on the field?_”__

_“_Nothing is going to happen… not… not for a while…”

“_Did you know this would happen…?”_

I stayed silent, staring into the void I was in.


“Yes. I did.” I hesitated, “…Braizer’s notes said this would happen at some point in time… but given… given the circumstances… he couldn’t tell how fast or how long it would take…”

“_Jesus Christ, Renji!! I… I’m calling Taylor-“_

_“_Initiate _Silence Protocol._”

Sai suddenly went silent.

“I can’t let you do that… Not until I can figure this out…”

Sai hummed before replying, “_When did you program that into me?_”

“When I realized… I needed someone to talk to.”

Sai broke out into laughter again, “_Renji, you have everyone else. Why use an AI? I give data. Not advice._”

“But you give the truth. You can’t lie.”

“_With this protocol, I technically can._”

“Oh hush…”

Another deafening silence fell. I shifted a little on the ground and sighed softly again. I felt my eyes start to flutter.”

“_Renji. You need to stay awake.”_

I turned my watch towards me.

“_Dont. I need to monitor your condition._”

“I need some peace and quiet. I’ll be fine… Sai… Taylors on the way.”


I shut down my watch. The complete darkness welcomed me once again as all my worries disappated into its entirety.

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