Dear Diary

**_DAY 1_**

Dear diary, this is the first day of my new family. They seem a bit strange sure but maybe they just have a rough shell that needs to be melted.

**_DAY 2_**

Dear diary, this is the second day and I think it is going pretty well they seem like sweet people once you get to know them. They even gave me my own room and stuffed animal!

**_DAY 5_**

Dear diary, sorry I haven’t written in a few days I’m just having so much fun with my new family especially my new sister she really likes playing with Barbie’s and has her own tree house!


**_DAY_** ?

I’ve been stuck in the tree house for who knows how long. We were having a sleepover in it and she had to go to the bathroom and.. and left me bymyself. She never came back. Did she do it on purpose? I hope not.

**_DAY .._**

I don’t know how long it has been I’ve been gnawing at the tree bark for a few hours, my tummy still hurts. It’s so silent but I can tell. I have known for awhile; there’s someone outside. I don’t know who or what but they haven’t left and there breathing keeps getting heavier. I wonder if they know I can hear them?


It has started clawing at the wooden panels of the house. Please let this be a dream


……….its inside.

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