First Love

Who would’ve thought someone as young as I am could fall in love. That’s right, fall in love. Since my freshman year of Highschool I’d see him, Tyler. Tall and handsome, dark hair, brown eyes, great style, what more could I ask for. Me being the young insecure girl I was, I couldn’t talk to him. We didn’t have any classes togehter which made passing period my favroite part of the day. I’d always look forward to seeing him, In hopes he felt the same way too. Each day after the third period we would walk past each other and hold the same intense eye contact. It was one day when he had stopped me and told me he liked my outfit. Oh the butterflies they flew through my stomach. Since then, we were unsepertable. The sparks that I felt between us were unmatchable. Day trips to the beach, concerts, late nigth drives together, what we were doing didn’t matter to me I just wanted to be by his side. He was my person. Tyler and I dated for a year and three months, time flew. I wish I could say we were still together but that’s not the case. Something in my heart was telling me he was holding me back. Holding me back from my dreams and what I really desired in life. But I held on…I had an attachment and I couldn’t let go. That was until he had broke my heart. I was enjoying a family trip in Mexico, feet in the sand, swimming in the ocean, and eating the best food. Meanwhile, Tyler had other plans. A lake trip with his friends, or at least I thought it was just his friends. We always had a very open relationship, secrets weren’t kept and we always tried our best to understand one another, or so I thought. A video was sent to me by a mutual friend, and of course I opened it. I couldn’t believe it, there goes Tyler cheating on me. I felt sick to my stomach watching him make out with another girl. The flight back home from Mexico was miserable. Sitting in-between my parents trying to act like nothing is happening, holding the tears from dripping down my cheeks. It felt like my life was ending. Later that night as my flight had landed, he called me. I picked up, he was crying so hard he couldn’t even breathe. I asked “What were you thinking?”, “I hate myself” he responded. That was our last conversation. I remember shortly after we brokeup I had a heartfelt talk with my Mother. “You didn’t do anything wrong honey, you are perfect the way you are. He messed up the best thing he ever had, and now he has to live with that regret.” She said. I can confidently say Tyler and I were in love, deeply in love. But from that moment on i always thought, If he wasn’t going to love me, he wasn’t going to love anyone.

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