Write a story where your protagonist fails to learn the lesson of the story.
The lesson of the story should be clear to the readers to increase the tragedy of the protagonist’s failure in recognising the issue.
The leaves have changed color and the breeze is rather cold. I wonder if I’ll remember a simple day like this, even when I’m old. It’s Wednesday. I’ve never really liked Wednesday’s. It feels as thought the day is sagging from the burdens of the past and the future.
“I’ve always hated Wednesdays" the whisper escapes my mouth.
“How come?” The stranger to my right asks. The bench creaks as the stranger sits down. Tearing my eyes from the park for one second, I catch a glimpse of luxerions dark brown hair. My cane hits the side walk three times as I prepare to speak but the young gentlemen next to me continues on, “I find Wednesday’s rather beautiful, I always meet my wife on Wednesdays”
I could hear the warmth of his smile in every word.
“We were just married yesterday, weren’t we? Yes that’s right on Tuesday” he smiles.
“Well…“ I begin gesturing to the man.
“Tom" he points to himself.
“Ah yes, Tom. You seem like a lovely young man..“ I comment.
“Why thank you sir..I” he turns in my direction.
“How old are you? ” I ask.
“twenty two” he answers.
“Well… Tom listen in. It’s wonderful that you love Wednesday’s truly. Just you wait, until you have your grandkids screaming at you for presents and your doctor scheduling weekly appointments that your daughter is late to pick you up for,” I turn to the young man “Then…just then you’ll understand why I hate Wednesday’s”.
A silence echos in the park as the leaves rustle in a hurry.
After looking out at the park, I feel my back begin to ache as I wonder just how long it is going to take my daughter to pick me up for my appointment.
”Oh, hello sir… today is Wednesday correct?" the young man begins.
“Why yes it is” I chuckle, “ we were just talk-”
“I love Wednesdays. I find them rather beautiful. I always meet my wife on Wednesdays. In fact on Tuesda-” he continues.
“Tom! Tom.. ” a young lady runs up with a golden retriever.
" well, well I was just talking about our wedding yesterday” the young man smiles.
“Were you now?" She giggles. As she helps him up, she turns back to me and whispers “thank you”.
“For what?“ I chuckle.
“We’ve been married for three years, but it’s been months since he has mentioned Wednesday. It’s been Tuesday for the longest time “ she smiles and begins their journey away.
“Hey dad, so sorry I’m late. I know how much you hate it when I’m late but I got caught up at work and little Janie was so hyper…“ she rambles.
“Thank you” the words wash over me like a blanket.
“For what, dad?” a rather confused look covers her face.
“Just…thank you” the silence is forever comforting. “Wednesdays are rather beautiful”.
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