Submitted by Denise Marking
Write a story about a argument between a couple that results in something unexpected happening
Magic Monstrosity
Wilfred stomped up the tower steps fuming from the ears. Eleanor paid him no mind, only shooting him an irritated look as she stirred the bubbling cauldron.
"Eleanor! Did you meddle with my potions? I had them neatly arranged the way I wanted them to!" Wilfred cried, pointing furiously at his brilliant green hair. "What I grabbed wasn't my shampoo!"
Eleanor only chuckled, which irked him even more. Turning to her cauldron, she coolly responded, "I needed basilisk blood for my newest concoction, so I lightly rummaged through your collection."
"Why you! How many times have I warned you not to ruin my vials?" Wilfred seethed, combing his fingers through his untamed spikes of hair.
Eleanor sighed a great sigh and rolled her eyes. "I tire of you, Wilfred.
You irritate me like no other!"
Wilfred stormed closer, clutching the half-empty vial in his hands. "Eleanor, we've been married for 400 years. It isn't the first time you've declared this. But permanently dying my hair green is a first!"
She snatched the glass from his hands with a magical fist, whirling it midair to examine the label. "Why can't you read the label first?"
He used another magical hand to hold up his display of potions, shaking them in the air. "Because I can't instantly read thousands of labels, Eleanor!"
Eleanor threw her mixing spoon to the floor and used her hand to grab the potions, but Wilfred held firm. "Give me the vials, Wilfred!"
"No, you've caused enough harm!" he cried, yanking them towards him. With a great heave, Eleanor used another hand to pull the bottles closer as Wilfred lost his grip on them. The sudden recoil had the tonics plunging straight into the cauldron with a plop.
"Oh dear," Eleanor murmured, rifling through her spellbook on a nearby table. Wilfred followed suit, hurrying to stand next to her. She stopped at a page and backed away in a frenzy.
"Erase All of History! A Spell to Start Anew," the page header read. Their eyes fearfully darted to the cauldron, now boiling a furious red. They turned to each other in shock as the world faded away.