Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.


January 3rd, 2018 Dear Diary, My mom got this for me for my birthday. (Which is today!!!) All the guests have left and I wanted to write in this immediately. I decided I wanted to use this as a “Future Journal.” I’m so excited to see what happens in 2022!! Later, Bailee January 18th, 2018 Dear Diary, I haven’t written here in a while. Missed ya. Things have been chaotic. I have a math test tomorrow, a project I have to present today, and an unfinished art piece that I have to finish, perfect, AND turn in by the end of the day. And I have a dance performance this weekend. And get this, it’s a TAP DANCE!!! I can’t even learn a tap dance in one day and it’s Thursday! My performance is in TWO DAYS!!!!! Ugh. Talk about a lot on the schedule. I hope 2022 isn’t as stressful as this. Later, Bailee January 27th, 2018 Dear Diary, We’re moving!!! To a place called “Ukraine.” I’ve never heard of it. But I do hear that it’s beautiful!! We’ll see if the rumors are true. Later, Bailee February 2nd, 2018 Dear Diary, The rumors are true!! It’s soooo pretty here! I love it. It’s like a dream in some places!! I can’t wait to see what the future will bring here. Later, Bailee February 26th, 2022 Dear Diary, I’m scared. My journal is dirty. It’s torn. It’s wore out. Just like this country. We’re hiding. We’re being attacked. I’m alone. My parents are out looking for supplies. We’re being bombed. Hurt. People are dying. The future is NOT what I expected.
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