Write a descriptive paragraph about a predator.

Think about the meanings of the word predator - it could be an animal, a person, a completely fictional being, or something more metaphorical.

An Unwanted Predator

I was a predator.

Forced to kill, to hunt, in order to sustain my life. A life that was not of my own making.

I’m sure you’ve heard the fables, creatures of the night, striking terror into hearts. What would you do if I told you it’s all true.

Mankind has embellished the stories of old it is true but the truth exists within.

For too long I had survived. Anyone I had gotten close to, lost to me forever by the passage of time.

Every part of my unnatural body, perfectly honed to hunt and kill its prey.

My speed unmatched, my body, too firm to break. My eyesight, sharper than any other creatures.

But most of all? My sense of smell. Able to seek out and find prey from a greater distance than even your minds eye can fathom.

I hated it.

I longed for an end to my supernatural existence. To my predatory instincts but fate was not a kind mistress.

I am sorry. If I meet you one fateful evening, please know I do not enjoy myself. The hatred I have for myself burns hotter than any sun.

And while I would not wish to meet you, if and when we do, and your life is forfeit under my hands and teeth, know that I wish so much for things to be different.

I would not take your life, or seek pleasure in your fear. My nature is not my own and when me meet, it won’t be because I’ve sort you out.

It will simply be the wrong time and the wrong place.

For both of us.

My body is a predator. My mind is still that of a kind soul. And never will they agree side by side.

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