
He emptied the mag into the spinner. It continued to pursue him. The creatures burning red eyes pierced his soul with hatred. The creature let out a howling ear piercing cry. This thing wanted him. It wanted to kill him. The spinners showed no mercy. They were a species of spiders. Except the size is a Prius. This particular spinner was chasing Greg. He didn’t know pure evil until he encountered one. It’s legged smashed against the earth. It moved violently attempting to reach him and taste his blood. On this evening, Greg was tasked to conduct a recon mission for route clearance. Obviously the route was not clear and he was not in hot water.

He glanced down at his amunition read out. Empty. He conducted a mag change out. The spinner was now in spitting distance. He ejected the empty mag and fumbled in a new one and released the firing bolt. He raised his eyes to meet the creature. It was on him now. Mouth wide open it leaped for him. He launched himself backwards and started kicking for his life. The creature was trying to taste his flesh but his fangs couldn’t reach him. Greg pressed his rifle against the spinner chest creating a small distance between the two. He was now eye to eye with his. It bit and screamed wildly. Greg began shooting again and point blank range. Every bullet he shot was finding a place in the creatures hitious shell of a body. The spinner screamed in pain and pushed harder on him. With every round he let loose, he clinched his teeth harder. The spinner started using its claws an attempt to spear his head. Greg bobed and weaved the claws attempts to impale his head. He had the finess of a boxer and was trying to stay cool. He pulled the trigger and nothing. The mag was empty once again. He was dead. He thought to himself if he would go quickly. Or would this creature simply wound him and spin him into a caccon for left overs later. Maybe he would eat my legs for fun and save the rest for later. He felt a searing pane hit his shoulder. One of the creatures claws successfully found it’s mark. He was now covered im blood from head to toe. Some of the creatures. Some of his. He winced with pain and let go of his rifle. The creature grabbed it and ejected it 1000 feet away.

Greg tried to fight the beast with his hands. The spinner grabbed his wrist in its jaws. It’s squeezed. He could feel his bones cracking and flesh tearing. Finally the creature pulled back violently ripping his left arm off. He was in shock he felt no pain. He screamed at the thought that he would no longer have a hand for the rest of his life. The beast continued to attack him. Unrelenting. Greg grabbed his now amputee nub of an arm to stop the bleeding and kicked the beast with all his energy he had left. Finally he felt his side arm fall out of its holster. He saw it slide in the gravel. It appeared golden and glowing to him at if it was his last chance to survive. As he reached for it with his one remaining right hand, the creature bit into his Kevlar vest and began to shake him violently side to side. With each swing, he could feel the Kevlar ripping apart. With each swing he inched closer and closer to the pistol. Finally the Kevlar gave in and was ripped from his body. The spinner realized this and speared him in the chest with one of its legs. The pain was agonizing. Now mutiliated, bleeding out and wounded fatally, he had a second rush of adrelinum kick in. If he was going down, he was taking this monster with him. Pinned to ground by the claw, he reached for the pistol. He could feel his flesh tearing as he reached. Finally he was able to reach the pistol. The creature moved in for the kill. Greg pulled the pistol up and jammed it in its mouth.

“I liked that hand you fucking roach.” He said. He pulled the trigger. The pistol fired. It found its mark. Darkness creeped in. He passed out.

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