
She watched busy people going about thier busy lives as if everything was perfectly normal as if the world was not crumbling around her. No one appeared to be paying any special attention to her.

Her mind raced and she suddenly felt clamy. Sounds began to amplify but everything sermed to grow distant. Her head spun. Flasbacks of that terrible night played before her eyes.

It was dark and rainy. There was the squaltch of tires a thud.

No! She told herself. She put out a hand to brace herself on the hood of the car. She could not go back there. She could not faint here. She took in a long deep breath and felt the workd returnung to normal.

Of course the note was still there glaring at her. A warning? A threat? Maybe a bad joke? She reached out and snatached it from her windshield and crumpled it in her hand. She glanced around again. As before everyone was just going about thier lives and yet she felt as if a pair of eyes were burning into her.

Slowly she got back into her car and closed the door. Feeling somehow safe inside this warm cacoon. She locked the doors and scrambled in her purse for a pill bottle. Shaking a couple in her hand she grabbed her water bottle and downed them.

She placed her hands on the wheel took a couple more deep breaths than started up the car and began to drive home.

Once at her house she glanced around seeing no one around but still having that tingling being watched feeling she quickly entered the house closed the door firmly behind her and slid the locks into place. She than proceeded to draw the curtains over the windows. A part of her brain told her she was being suspicious and acting paraniod but she shook the thought off.

She felt secure in the dimly lit privacy of her house. Of course she realized she left the grocceries she just bought in the car but she couldn’t bring herself to go back out. Not yet.

She pulled her phone from her purse and dialed a number then quickly hung up, hesitated, took a deep breath and dialed again.

“Somebody knows” she said into the phone.

“I don’t know. I just got this note on my car. We need to meet up”

She hung up the phone.

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