Emily & Hope

Emily was tall and fit with long, jet black hair that almost looked like silk in the moonlight; her eyes a piercing red against her porcelain skin. She complimented Hope in every way. Hope was slightly taller than Emily and just as slender; with deep green eyes and fire red hair down to the small of her back; skin as white as snow. Vampires were naturally beautiful, but these two gave a new meaning to youthful beauty. Together, they were stunning. All eyes focused on them. It’s not enough to be vampires, but to have the kind of sex and love that Hope and Emily shared was wild for even their kind. Their chemistry transcended the bedroom. For over 200 years they had been a couple, moving in absolute synchrony. When Emily moved, Hope moved. They were never more than an arms length apart, watching and protecting each other. The rest of the coven thought they were insufferable. Really, how long can these two be so infatuated with each other? But, when eternity is breathing down their necks, no measure of time feels real.

Hope grabbed Emily’s hand and pulled her into her lap. She ran her long finger nails down Emily’s leg and kissed her lips. Emily let out a soft sigh and nipped at Hope’s lip, causing her to softly bleed. Hopes eyes turned black. She was drunk on blood and sex; her fangs erect and willing. She pushed Emily’s Raven hair to the side, exposing her neck. She wrapped her fingers around Emily’s throat and spit into her mouth, grinning fiendishly. Emily gasped and chewed on her lip, trying to ignore her trembling legs. But how could she? Hope was giving her a tantalizing glimpse of what she could do to her and she knew it. She wanted Hope so badly she could feel her heart pulsing between her legs. “It’s, it’s y—yours,” Emily barely managed to breathe out before Hope had spread her legs and started biting on her inner thigh.

The blood she drew tasted hot and sweet. Emily always tasted better when she was aroused. The blood gave Hope a sweet intoxication no amount of alcohol could ever achieve. It was thrilling. Hope licked her lips and looked up at Emily through her bangs and grinned. She moved her way between her legs, knowing exactly what Emily likes. She knew she was about to make Emily feel the pleasure she deserved and had felt for the last 200 years with her. Emily had one hand gripping the silk sheets and the other wrapped around Hope’s hair. Emily’s back arched as her breath began increasing. Her body began sweating, and Hope was feasting like a King between her legs. Hope could feel she was almost there and went in deeper. Emily let out a deep moan, tightened her thighs around Hopes head, and then dropped them to the side. Hope licked her lips again, studying Emily’s ravaged body, pleased with herself.

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