My Past Lover

Never thought I see him again, While I was going on a stroll I decided to go to a local park to relax. And then I saw him… I could never forget him. He saw me and walked towards me, he said to me, “Hi, it’s nice to see you again”. I decided to be polite and say “Hi it’s nice to meet you”. But there was something different, like his ora was sinister. I felt uncomfortable so I decide to leave. He asked me, “How about we get lunch soon? So that we can catch up?” I said, “Sure” without thinking. We exchange numbers and a few weeks later we went to a cafe and we talked about what we did after college. He said something, "where would you hide a body?" Now I didn't think much of it because I asked stupid questions like that before but I answered, "The woods". He asked, "Why". I answered, "Because, first I would burn them then bury then how far down so the cops won't find them". We both just stared at each other after that but then we started talking. I went home and open my computer to search him up and I found

Micheal Chase

Born: 04/12/2001

Job: unknown

He is known for his unknown Appirance and his distrubing ora.

I knew his ora is distrubing but his job? I don't think this would do I need to know his job. So I went to his house one day but the door was open so I just walked in. I saw a cat it it went into a closet so I ran after it but I heard Micheal so I kept silent. I decided to have a peek and I saw a girl with him so I thought it was his girlfriend but it wasn't it was a friend. He said, "It's okay he didnt deserve you anyways and your beautiful red hair *touches it*" The girl blushed and then Micheal grabbed something... He grabbed a knife and sliced her throat open. When I saw that I felt like throwing up. Now I knocked something over and he heard that and walked slowly towards the closet so jumped out the window which it was a one story so I didn't get injured. I ran home and locked myself in the room and my hands was shaking. Later that night I went back to his house and he open the door, "Hi welcome in". Now listen I didn't want to be the next victim but he said to me that "I liked you and I always did". He walked to the kitchen to get something. Did he think I would still like him about what he did in college. At college I told him that I liked him and he decided to say "LIKE YOU HAHAHA DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH YOU ARE THE LAST PERSON I WOULD DATE I WOULDN'T DATE YOU EVEN IF YOU ARE THE LAST PERSON I WOULD DATE!!!". I would NEVER forget that day. Everyone laughed at me and humiliate me. DID HE THINK THAT I WOULD FORGET NO, NO,NO,NO, IF THEY PAINTED ME AS THE BAD GUY MIGHT AS WELL BE THE BAD GUY I grabbed the knife and plunged it into his back 10 times. It sured were sweet but I guess nobody saw this coming and yet I cleaned up my mess and never got caught.

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