love pasta bridge

Write a story or poem including these three nouns

Lost love

On Saturday night the Fillapeli family gathered around aunt Margaret’s table and began to eat and conversate; just like any other Saturday night.Everyone knew aunt Margaret always tried to get under someone’s skin. she began with her comments. Sam knowing his aunt he said“ I’m still working at dad’s restaurant, and it pays well” He knew she hated that restaurant and hated hearing about it. After an hour most children were asleep and also some adults, so Margaret woke them and told them to go home or stay. Sam and Raul’s family; his brother, decide to stay, so they headed upstairs to get some rest. Raul was Sam’s older brother, he was 26 years old and had 2 kids with his wife Amanda. His children both looked similar to their father. The sun rose and everyone got up and went down for breakfast. Aunt Margaret’s was already sitting there eating her breakfast .She was waiting for them to come down and she was ready to tell her story.So she began “ one day at was at my fathers restaurant bussing tables, and that’s when I saw him, sitting there, and I thought he was perfect; Estevan. I went to take his order; pasta and after writing down his order and getting it for him I was surprised to hear what I heard seconds later; he asked me for my phone number; I tried so hard not to blush but I just couldn’t hold it in. I gave him my number we talked everyday Everyday I had a call at the same time, it was great because i knew when he’d call, but the calls took time of when help out at the restaurant. Soon enough my father gave up and fired me. couple days later we began to date. We met at this bridge everyday and just sat there and talked, We liked it there because there beautiful surroundings around the bridge and it was quiet and we could focus on each other. A year went by and we still did the same thing ,He proposed, and I said yes.Days went by and I hadn’t heard from Estevan, I figured he was just nervous. So I went to the bridge where we were going to get married, but he never showed. I tried to call but no one answered. I went by to his house, no one there. Days passed and I finally gave up and tried to forget about him. Years went by and I never once felt what I felt with Estevan so I gave up on men, And I haven’t changed my mind since, and that’s the reason why I am so mean and cruel to most of the men in my life and why I gave up my shares of the restaurant; it just reminded me of him and it brought back all this pain.” everyone that was there felt so bad for judging Margaret, so they huddled around their aunt and give her a big hug.

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