Write a story from the perspective of a toy.
What toy could you choose to drive an interesting narrative?
Why Is Everything Taller Then Me?
My days always start of as an adventure. I wake up before my human and must try to get downstairs before the two giants my human live with see me. Once i awake I must climb my way up the mountain of very smelly clothes my human owns. I then jump as high as I can but could never seem to reach my human to say hello. After that I must force the wall to move so I could slip out I do this by getting all of my friends to catapult me onto the very bouncy tight rope until we hear a click and then the others attempt to push the wall until I could fall out. It feels likes it takes forever to get to the hills in the castle but it only takes my human 3 whole seconds for her to get over and down I counted. Once I get to the hills I get my sled but my human puts my sled on her feet and I never understand why but it’s super fun in the morning. Once I get the the good smelling room I find some of the food they leave out on the floor and it’s is so scrumptious. But sometimes I wish I could get some of the what they call fresh food but it’s huge and I would never be able to get to it because I fall down trying to look up at the food. Everything is so tall.