Photo by Nick Scott @

Write a story set on this misty path.
The Path
The last few nights I have dreamed of a path.
I don’t know where it leads or what lies ahead but there’s something that entices me to take it. It doesn’t promise to grant my wishes or free me from my chains. It could be my freedom. Or it could lead me to my undoing.
I have no fear of the unknown when I stand at the foot of this path. In fact when I look back at my life, at my mother and father herding me and my sisters like cattle, selling us to the highest bidding man or monster makes it look shinier, more promising.
Maybe it’s my souls way of screaming at me to run, take a new path, become something else, get away from the ties and chains that keep me bound here.
Or maybe the path is my future if I stay. Deserted, unloved, untouched. The mist being the only companion in my lonely life more caring than any human could ever be.
What do I do?
What do I choose?
When I awoke my sheets were clinging to my feverish skin and my hair had disheveled. It was still night time, the only sound being the gentle snores of my sisters and the creaking sway of the ship. Quietly I peeled the covers from my body and blindly tried to light the lantern on my bedside table, trying desperately not to wake them. A gentle glow revealed my surroundings and underneath the lantern, a crisp red envelope with a burgundy seal awaited me.
I slumped down the side of my bed, hiding myself away with the letter as if the shadows were watching intently for it’s secrets.
I meant what I said. I love you and I don’t want to imagine my life without you in it.
If you feel the same, meet me at our spot. We leave tonight.
- David"
I can’t help the smile spreading across my face as I wonder, is this the path perceived in my dreams?