Submitted by RRR

Two people find themselves in an empty room, but do not know where they are. This is completely normal.

Find a creative way to explain this setting and context. You do not have to set this story in the world we know.

Test Number #8

"Well, I guess it happened again."

"I guess it did."

The room was empty, besides the two people inside, but neither of them seemed concerned. Gia sat down on the floor, while Kieran paced around the room. It was their 8th time being in a room like this in the last month.

Gia spoke, "I wonder where we are this time."

Kieran glanced over, then sat down as well. "I don't know. I am getting a little sick of these tests though."

"You signed us up for this!! You don't get to be sick of it!"

Kieran rolled his eyes, or at least attempted to, given that his right one was a machine, "Fine, your right, but it wasn't me that wanted to, it was my mother."

"I'm well aware."

The two were supposed to break out of the room, although after the third of these tests, neither of them was motivated to move as quickly as they once did. It had all started in the first grade, when the two became friends. Neither came from the best of homes, and Gia, whose father was prone to drinking and fighting started staying with Kieran and his mother. This worked until high school, when Kieran's mother ran out of money. So, she signed up for a lab test that would, "make anyone who participated wealthier than they can imagine". The two went to the lab together and found that they were now human experiments.

Kieran had become a sort of cyborg, with one eye being replaced (he couldn't see much out of it anyway, after The Fight with Gia's dad), and a few more "advancements" to himself that were supposed to make him a sort of superhuman. He had almost all the knowledge about anything you could think of, and an IQ of 259. Although sometimes his schemes needed someone to execute them. And that was where Gia came in.

She had been given wings and strength, which was a horrifying procedure that took her almost two years to recover from, and made Kieran cry, (he will deny this fact with all his might, but Gia still knows the truth.). She didn't know half the facts he did, but she could fly, and was much stronger, and she thought that was infinitely cooler than his abilities. And also, she thought her wings kind of made her look like an angel, which she did use to her advantage, one time sneaking into one of the nurse's offices, claiming to be an angelic prophet, and telling the poor nurse that she was the "chosen one". After that a meeting had to be held about the two-adolescent creature-humans and scaring people.

"Well, I guess we should break out of here. God these tests are so stupid." Gia stood up, "Got a plan Kie?"

Kieran looked around. "There's a slight crack in the middle of the wall across from us, about 5 feet and 6.48 inches off the ground, and I can't break it, but you can. It appears to be weak in that area. Maybe then we'll find a way out?"

Gia shrugged, "Sure, my hands can take another beating."

She went up to the wall, tied up her long, dark hair, stared at the crack, sighed, and roundhouse kicked the wall. A foot sized hole was now in the wall. She smirked, and quickly got to work ripping the concrete apart as if it were cotton candy. Soon enough the two were able to climb through the hole only to find another room. Gia groaned and Kieran laughed, looking around.

"At least this one has a door?" He smiled as he opened it.

Gia stood up, "What's there?" She curiously peeked outside. "Oh."

A long hallway greeted the two, and Gia excited ran out, doing an ariel before stopping and waiting for Kieran.

"You think we did it?" She asked excitedly.

"Maybe! Wait. Do you hear tha-"

A man jumped out and tried to put Gia in a headlock, but she judo flipped him, sat on him, whipped out a knife and put it to his throat.

"That was really good Barnaby, but I still beat you!" She smiled and got back up, helping the man up as well.

Kieran grinned, "Now we've completed it."

The three walked back to the lab, Kieran and Gia talking excitedly about something that made sense to only the two of him, her saying "What? Explain." frequently and him telling her about some equation or historical figure. She got him back later though when she went into an in-depth explanation of her favorite show, complete with a messy PowerPoint and pictures of the characters.

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