Write the blurb for your book.

The blurb will help you think generally about your main plot points, your audience, and the purpose of your story.

Wedding Cake Topper

The motivation for my story is to empower girls who feel hopeless the face of love to kesuch as Selma. a college student, whspending her final summer at home and finds she can’t shut out the endless arguments between her backwards folks Affiyionally Selmawrestling with the crazy things they with their backward thinking and lifestyle.

The main issue is that Selma has no idea how to show affection. Her parents have never kissed, held hands, or displayed affection.

Her parents love language is to demean each other. Plus they constantly argucall names and label each other, and live a life if discord. Selma feels grateful that at least they don’t hit but the arguing keeps Selma from bringing friends home. At times Selma suffers headaches and indigestion thanks to the home environment.

Selma is also bothered by the constant messes at home, the fact her father has not planted a lawn, and also lBud and June’s narrow way of thinking. In such an environment, Selma finds it difficult to relate to her folks. Her mother sees doll clothes and her dad is a flunky carpenter, but the biggest issue is Selma’s anxiety over expressing her love.

Because Selma is leaving for college, in three days, Selma reaches out to the people she knows and trusts, acquaintances who either demonstrate love. or discuss what constitutes love. This all happens in one day, three days before Selma drives away to the University.

The climax of this story is when Selma comes face to face with-a magical, surprise party held in Selma’s backyard in her honor. . At the party, Selma celebrates who she is and what she has learned about love today. In the end

Selma is ready to drive from her home in Denver to the University of Colorado,

Note. Following the final celebration, Selma is overcome, having seen her parents express their love for each other. She learns that isle can control her life. And Selma us confident that she will one day marry.

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