Hidden Lies

"We're in this together, but I'm not sure I can trust you," he confessed under his breath.

"What? What do you mean you can't trust me?" Natalie whispered, while nervously looking around the room.

"Derek told me everything," Jacob muttered. "I can't believe you would cheat on me."

"What did Derek tell you? Natalie asked, sounding confused.

"He told me about the party, and how he saw you kissing another guy," Jacob said, with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Jacob, what are you talking about? I never went to a single party. Derek must be lying. Remember my sister and I look a lot alike. People get us confused all the time. My sister is a party type of person, I am not." Natalie explained. "I promise you, I would never cheat on you."

"Derek wouldn't lie to me. Also he said he saw you talking to Aaron at the party. You and Aaron always talk in math class," Jacob said, his annoyance growing.

"Jacob, you have to believe me!" Natalie exclaimed. "We've been together for so long, and I've never attended a party. You know I prefer to stay in instead of going out. I promise you, this is all a big misunderstanding."

Jacob's phone began ringing, and he retrieved it from his pocket. On the screen, he saw that Derek was calling him. "Wait! Don't answer it yet! I have an idea. I know how I can prove to you that I didn't cheat on you," Natalie exclaimed with excitement.

"What?" Jacob asked.

"Just listen to me, please. And if you still hate me after this then I will leave you alone, but just give me one chance."

"Fine." Jacob sighed. "What do you want me to do?"

"Okay, call Derek back and tell him you and I broke up. Then I will call him myself and say the same thing, and I will ask him to come over. You will hide in the closet and the truth will spill out from there." Natalie explained.

"That sounds absolutely insane. Derek would never come over if you asked him to."

"Just call him back. You'll see for yourself." Natalie said, with confidence.

"Fine, we will do your silly plan." Jacob sighed, pulling out his phone. He called Derek and told him that he and Natalie had broken up, and as soon as Jacob got off the phone with Derek, Natalie's phone started to ring. She answered.

"Hey, I heard about your break up, I am so sorry. I am coming over. No excuses. I am coming." Derek said, with no hesitation. Before Natalie could respond, Derek hung up.

"Okay then." Natalie started to say. "Well Jacob, so far I have been right. I can't wait til he gets here and you can see the truth."

"Don't flatter yourself," Jacob said, annoyed.

"Just get in the closet so he doesn't see you when he gets here," Natalie said, with a big smile on her face. She knew the truth, Natalie always had a strange feeling about Derek, especially when he flirted with her when Jacob wasn't around. Derek would always claim he was joking, but Natalie couldn't shake that feeling about him.

Jacob got into the closet and they waited in silence for a few minutes until the door opened.

"Natalie?" Derek called.

"I'm in here!" Natalie called back.

"I'm so sorry about Jacob. He isn't worth it. Between you and me, he told me a while back that he's been wanting to break up with you. You don't want to be with someone like him when you can be with someone like me. Also I totally lied to him by telling him that I saw you kissing another guy at a party."

"I literally never said that," Jacob said quietly to himself.

"So, let's take your mind off of Jacob," Derek said, leaning in for a kiss.

"What are you doing!? Natalie exclaimed, while pushing him away.

"Come on Natalie, you know we are meant to-"

The closet door flew open and Jacob stormed out, his face red with anger.

"I can't believe you, Derek," Jacob exclaimed. "I thought we were bros. Did all those years of friendship mean nothing to you?" From the expression on Jacob's face, Natalie could tell that he wanted to start a fight. Derek also noticed this, but he was a skinny guy, unlike Jacob who played football and could lift 240 pounds easily. Jacob gave Derek one last glare before Derek ran out of the house.

"I'm so sorry I didn't believe you, babe. I can't believe I didn't notice the signs sooner. No wonder why Derek always wanted me to invite you when I asked him to hang out." Jacob said, feeling guilty for accusing his girlfriend of cheating. "Can you please forgive me?" He asked.

"Of course I forgive you. It was just one big misunderstanding. You and Derek were bros. I get it." Natalie said, smiling at him.

"I love you. I promise I will trust you from now on." Jacob promised.

"I love you too. Now come on, let's go do something fun." Natalie said.

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