art by Ylum @

Create a backstory for one of the characters in this image.

Young Warrior

( the character i choose is the boy who is sweeping while watching his friend play with the broom) My name is Manchu Ching. And i am one of the six boys who have been chosen to train at the martial arts school, and become warriors. Well I don’t think you can call it Training. All we have done so far is sweep the arena and fulfil household chores around the temple, I’m not complaining. But Chow is. And very loudly at that. I met Chow when I was five, i am now ten. Chow has always meant to be a warrior, well at least that is what i think. He when he found out that we would be sweeping the courtyard he wasn’t to pleased. Chow was causing a ruckus, knocking things over with his broom using it as a staff and hitting things. He suddenly stops and drops to his knees. Bowing low enough to lick the ground. Master Kichia had walked into the courtyard with the dragons champion. The dragons champion is a highly skilled fighter and strategist, only one can be picked from each unit. They go onto do great things for our village this one is seven years my elder. He is also my brother. I think that is the only reason i got into the academy. Because of my brother. Everybody thinks it, nobody says it. I wish to prove them wrong, i know I’m just as great as my brother. I will become the dragons champion. And i will fight and honour my family. My thoughts are demolished ata. Tug on my trouser, i look down and see Chow patting the floor. I will become a hero one day. But until then i am still a minor, they are still me superior. And i still must bow
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