Your protagonist finds out they're going to be a parent...

You can choose any type of character you like, but focus on their reaction and thoughts, and how they might go through a range of emotions.

Shadows of Doubt

“Lydia Winters, Doctor Simmons will see you now.” the receptionist Maddie sitting behind the desk says.

I walk to the door, my hand shakes as I reach the doorknob and I remind myself that Doctor Simmons is here to help. I am wondering why I have been so nauseous the last week or so and certain foods I used to love like bacon now just the thought of these foods has me wanting to throw up. Even when I take naps lately, I still feel so fatigued afterward. For the last couple of days, I have been craving Brussels Sprouts with mustard and peanut butter which is unusual because I normally dislike all three foods.

“Ms. Winters, please take a seat on the exam table, and let’s find out what’s going on,” Dr. Simmons quietly declares. I do as she asks and she begins to question me about my symptoms such as when they began and what they are. After a few minutes of answering her questions, she hands me a small bottle and tells me to give a urine sample. A few minutes later, I walked out of the bathroom and handed her the bottle. She tells me she will have the results soon and to rest.

I take a look around the exam room, the plain white walls are filled with paintings of sunsets and stars in the night sky. I start counting the stars to pass the time and lose track of how many there are. Next thing I know, I feel a tap on the shoulder and open my eyes before glancing around the room. Dr. Simmons is standing above me with a grin on her face and that’s when I remember where I am.

“I have some good news for you Ms. Winters, you’re pregnant; congratulations!, Dr. Simmons squealed. Instinctively, I put my hand to my stomach, my mouth drops and my heart starts racing so fast I’m surprised the doctor doesn’t hear it. “A baby!? I’m pregnant, that’s not possible because we used protection. I don’t think I’d be a good mother.. what if my baby hates me.. what if the father doesn’t want to be in our baby’s life. I’m not ready at all, I can’t do this alone,” I think to myself. I whisper to Dr. Simmons with tears streaming down my face, “Am I.. am I sitting down? I think I’m going to faint..”

(Author Note: Working title. Also, I think this really needs work and I’m not sure if it’s accurate).

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