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Write a story or poem using the image above as inspiration.

It’s over

Screams filled the air as the ground shook. I looked around frantically as building began to crumble, running to avoid instant death as debris fell and crashed into itself. The sirens had begun to sound about 10 minutes prior to the shaking but we all just thought it was an earth quake which would have been bad enough given the intensity. It wasn’t until everything around us began to fall apart and be crushed by not only the sheer force of the vibrating earth, and the rocks the had spewed from the hot earth, flying into houses, cars, and even people that we realized it was much more.

We were very far away from it as it began to rise from the hell like chaos, but anyone within a 200 mile radius would see this monstrosity clearly.

I don’t believe in heaven or hell but how or where this thing came from was a mystery, a mystery that would change the world forever but I refused to die before passing on information of how it came to be and hopefully how to destroy it if more come, assuming it can be destroyed.
