Write a blank verse poem on a topic that's important to you.

Blank verse poetry doesn't rhyme, but has a very strict structure which builds a melody through rhythm. (One way to create this is to structure each line with the same amount of syllables, and the same syllabic stresses, like you might if you were writing the verses of a song.)

Museum Of Crumbling Statues

I work in a museum A museum filled will crumbling statues Statues still alive Alive but returning to stone Stone eyes that seem to know To know who they are They are lost in the past The past filled with life Life seems so slippery now Now it’s hard to remember To remember who they were They were once free Free to love their families Families are fading in their minds Minds that spill out memories Memories that they live out every day Every day I try to stop the crumbling Crumbling that will never end End the fear within their hearts Hearts not made of marble Marbles just a rock Rock can’t feel their pain Pain that stiffens until they die That’s where I work
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