Write a story about a character writing a story.
Perhaps they're an aspiring author, maybe they're stuck for ideas. Or maybe this character represents yourself and the struggles and joys you meet when trying to write your own work.
You say there’s just never enough time. Somehow there is always something more urgent to do - work, bills, errands.
But somehow when the urgent business is done and you find yourself with a few seconds, minutes, hours to yourself - something easier comes along. But you deserve that time you tell yourself. The time to unwind with a glass of wine and a movie. The time to relax with a book, instead of try to create one. You’re a busy woman, after all, you deserve to participate in something that demands absolutely nothing of you for a change.
And then. Then. Then you’re ready. It’s January and you’re ready to be a writer, to put in the time. Or it’s a Tuesday and you decide that you just can’t take the itching of the words trying to get out of your fingers. Or it’s a holiday and you can’t wait to use the wild antics from your family gatherings to inspire a story that will make someone laugh.
No matter the who’s and what’s and where’s of it you find yourself curled on the couch with a journal in hand. Or sat straight-backed in front of a computer. Or even standing in line at the store with your phone in your hands.
And...nothing. Nothing comes out. Every words seems force. Every circumstance trivial. Every conflict a joke.
It’s okay it’s okay. You’ll just think of some authors you like, use them for inspiration.
And boy doesn’t that backfire.
Because what’s the point of even trying to write when there are geniuses of the past and present who have mastered this craft so well you know you could never compare? How do you get into the mind of a character like the Brontes do? How do you weave an intricate tale with extraordinary details like Faulkner? Or how do you even do something as simple as evoke emotions. The romance you bought last week at the dollar store had you crying just last night. What hope in hell do you have of inspiring anguish, joy, anger, fear in anyone through writing.
It’s all been done before.
There are real writers out there, better suited to the task.
Your talent was made for a classroom, not a bookstore.
Psht...what talent?
But well, you have to do something. You’ve already psyched yourself up. Already told yourself you’re going to do it right this time. Put in the time, put in the effort, get your writing on paper. Or a screen.
So you take a deep breath. You take a minute to think. And you come up with an idea. It’s not a solution to every problem with your process. But it is something.
You go and look for a prompt.
Because while it may not be the next great American will get you writing. And that’s the first step.