Write a descriptive piece about a desolate landscape.

Think about how you can describe both the physical aspects, and atmosphere, of this place.

One more step

The water rippled as I waded in it. The mud squishing under my feet.

Once again I smack my face. The pesky insects that acted as if they were guardians of the hidden river seemed to grow. I could hear them chirping in the trees. The constant buzzing that surrounded me.

I rubbed my arm subconsciously.

Although the bugs around the place freaked me out..it was a sign. I was getting closer to what I was looking for. I was almost there.

Cold water sways against my legs. One step at a time. One more squish from the mud. One more buzz from an insect. I spot a bird snatching a fish in its beak. The water ripples. And I see it.

Just one more step. Then I’m finally there.

The hidden cavern.

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