Submitted by Lana Rose

Time keeps randomly stopping around you, and you think it is you who is doing it. Then one night you are at a party, and time stops. Everyone is frozen, except one person at the other end of the room...

And Time.. Stopped

Time stopped this morning, while i was enjoying my morning coffee. Time stopped this afternoon, while i bought groceries at the local market. Time stopped for no one: no one, except me. While they froze, i continued on my way. And then, time stopped again.

It was at the party late that evening when it happened next. The classical music danced with its listeners, and the chatter swirled throughout the vast ballroom. Savoury and alcoholic scents swarmed the room, filling my nose. And then it just stopped. The music, the dancing, the talking. I was over by the buffet, enjoying these delicious but rather small sandwiches.

But something wasnt quite right.

Inhale. Exhale. Footsteps.

I turned my head, but there was no movement. Everyone looked the same; they were all frozen mid breath, mid sentence, mid dance and mid song.

And then i saw him.

His hair was somewhere between a dirty blonde and a light brown, with piercing blue eyes and a smile tugging at his lips. He nodded to me, and then turned away, as if he was going to leave.

"Excuse me!" I called, because how could i just let him leave. I needed answers. I needed them now.

Was he responsible for this? I always thought it was me, but how could i possibly be capable of stopping time itself? Something that always seems to pass by, no matter how much you wished it would stay. But how could he be capable of it either? He certainly seemed normal enough. Or atleast, there were no horns on his head, but how would i know if he was truly human? Anything was possible at this point. Are there others like him? I couldn't bring myself to say us, because me and this man had nothing in common. Why isn't he frozen? Or better yet, why aren't i?

He simply smiled at me again, a slow, half smile, before turning away again and walking out the door.

Time resumed, and it was as though nothing ever happened. As though that man had never even existed. The music resumed its build up to the grand crescendo, the people twirled and laughed, and all resumed as it had just moments ago.

I fought through the dancing crowd, trying to reach the door, but by the time i'd exited the building, he was gone.

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