Soul Suture

The work of a soul suture is one of tradition, precision, and timing. Soul sutures live on the margins of past and present, life and death.

An oft forgotten, but important role for humanity, the soul suture intervenes at the moment of death and carefully extracts the soul from its corporal husk.

Timing is especially key. If the soul suture reaches its ethereal fingers into the flesh and prematurely siphons the soul, a life will be cut short. If the soul suture hesitates and loses its opportunity, the soul will harden and perish without relief.

At the moment of death, jagged yet amorphous limbs of dark mist descend from the in between. Its arms pull back then lunge like a praying mantis. Stopping before incision, a pair of red, glowing eyes appear between the arms to locate the soul. The soul suture’s eyes freeze the soul in its place as metallic talons extend from the etherial smoke. With a quick slice and jab, the soul is retrieved and freed.

At the moment of death, or perhaps damningly late, the soul suture will make its incision.

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