At What Cost

In the heart of the city, where the future gleams bright,

Neon lights flicker, painting shadows of night.

Skies filled with cars in a luminous flight,

A symphony of engines, a dazzling sight.

Streaks of red and blue, they dance in the sky,

Like modern-day fireflies, they shimmer and fly.

Above towering spires of steel and glass,

Where dreams of tomorrow and present moments clash.

Yet amidst this marvel, a whisper of sorrow,

For the nature we lost, the green we did borrow.

Concrete and chrome have taken its place,

Leaving no trace of the earth's tender grace.

Rivers of lights where waters once flowed,

Gardens replaced by electronic glow.

The hum of the engines, the buzz of the streets,

Not the quiet whistle of wind through the trees.

Fly high, shining cars, in your radiant race,

But let not our roots be entirely erased.

For beauty is fleeting if balance is lost,

A reminder of nature, at any cost.

In the heart of the city, where the future's alive,

May the spirit of nature forever survive.

For awe and loss in harmony dwell,

In the tale of the future, that time will tell.

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