Write an ABC poem about a day in the life of an animal.
The lines of an ABC poem begin with different letters of the alphabet, progressing through alphabetical order, although the poem does not have to start at A.
Aligned with
But flora. But which flora
consumes flesh in a detritivorous manner?
Do florae possess a destiny to conquer?
Ebeneous upon thy damp walls, I
flourish with the absence of light;
growing, rapidly, I poison the air, thy lungs.
Hiant: An
insidious black hole, oozing pus of
jaundice yellow. Born with a
kismet to devour; a promise, to
labefactate. I am the
maggotorium, upon thy walls.
Necrotic fester: I am drawn to thine
olid corpse. Thy decay comprise my
pabulum; thy neck, I
querken, and siphon thy final breath.
Rot, ancient and archaic; forever, I have
spread and festered.
The difference between flora and fauna;
ubiquitously, is it not the
visceral kismet to grow versus conquer?
What if, perhaps, I am neither? Rather a
xenogeneic disease upon flora and fauna?
Yenning for thy demise; a kismet to rot.
Zealot: Phthisis’ disciple.