
I blink. I’m not sure if she heard me.

Her red hair dances in the evening’s summer breeze as she stares out onto the crystal blue lake. The water reflects in her piercing green eyes, which moments ago had been fixed on me expectantly. I notice they’ve started to fill with tears.

“Oh god, please don’t cry Sades…”

She turns to face me now. Her face has suddenly transformed to pure rage. Her green eyes flashing red with fire. Fear engulfs me.

“Don’t you dare call me that! You’re a joke! I said I love you Andrew! But this… this..” she trails off. She can’t bring herself to say it. To be honest I am not sure how I even had the courage to say it.

She stands. I stand. Is she going to leave? I’m afraid to move a muscle. She goes to walk away. Stops. Turns. The world stands still.

She points a finger at me as if she’s about to tell off a bold child but instead of words all that leaves her lips is a frustrated grunt. She throws her arms up “Oh my god, what is wrong with me! How did I not see this coming! You’re a bloody fool Sadie Turner! A fool!”

Then she starts to laugh. I’m still frozen to the spot. She’s pacing around in circles. Laughing maniacally. I start to worry she is having some sort of mental break. Maybe I should call someone, I think.

Suddenly she’s back. Face clear. No tears. No Anger. No laughing.

Her eyes are locked into mine now. As if she is asking me something without saying anything. Does she want me to say it again? Every fiber of my being is telling me to look away. Run away. Aw please don’t make me say it again. I had promised myself when the time came I’d be a man about this. So here goes nothing.

“I love me too, we should start a fan club!”

God. I am a fucking child.

She grunts again and lets out a slight frustrated scream, turns and she’s gone. She strides up the path swinging her arms angrily and her feet thumping on the pavement louder than is deemed necessary in my opinion.

I sigh as I turn to look out to the water. It’s so relaxing here, I think. I take in a deep breath of the fresh air and smile.

She’ll be back, I think. She’ll definitely be back.

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