Submitted by an anonymous user

"I saw the whole thing"...

Write a story that opens or concludes with this line.

Little Brother

(A combo of two different prompts)

I watched as the little girl walked onto the stage. The music began to play

But admist the roaring applause

A silent tear feel

Reflecting the untold story

That she could never tell

As I watched the tear slide down her cheek

I noticed her small smile

I could read the pain in her eyes

I could tell that she loved every moment

But the pain was to much to bare

She bolted of the stage

Her hand on her heart

It was almost as if

I watched it break in two

I looked behind me

And there I saw

The ghost of her little brother

That had recently passed on

I went back stage

And hugged the little girl

It will be okay

I had said

She cried on my shoulder

She let it all out

She screamed with rage

And punched the air

I said nothing

I listened

I could hear her love

For her brother

The ghost came back with us

And what he said

Broke my heart in two

I love you my sister

And I saw it all from heaven

I saw it all

With a smile he faded away

One last visit

One last stay

I loved the little girl

With all my heart

I helped her grow up

Right from her start

And her little brother saw the whole thing.

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