Write a character's internal monologue that includes an example of stream of consciousness.

Stream of consciousness is a literary technique that represents the flow of a character's thoughts and feelings as they occur in real time, without logical order or punctuation.


fuck how many times has my alarm gone off oh my god how did I manage to sleep in for an hour and a half??? I’m already so fucking late UGH ok so shower is definitely not happening today maybe I can grab a banana for breakfast — gotta let the dog out oh my GOD my hair is such a mess ok gonna just turn on the shower head and quickly dunk my head under — GODDAMMIT that’s cold fuck fuck fuck ok towel towel that’s better what am I gonna wear today just gonna grab… this sweater and… those pants yeah we’ll call that good though kind of boring ok letting the dog back in now and oh yeah I need a bra stupid patriarchy where even is it??? Oh right in the dirty clothes pile fuck why haven’t I done laundry in three weeks just gonna dig until I find — THERE it is ok gotta wash my face and slap on some cream cuz this winter is DRY AF — oh yeah and my meds — and throw on some eyeliner and sparkle eye shadow and grab my shoes… ok phone keys wallet mask am I missing anything? think I’ve got everything here we go! Shit I forgot to feed the dog ok wet food dry food meds ok love you bb I gotta run — goddammit I’m thirty minutes late ugh why am I like this no you gotta be nicer to yourself just text them that you’re late — damn I forgot my computer but that’s probably ok — and try to focus on the road — SHIT I forgot to eat breakfast — too late now let’s GO!!!

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