You are lying in the grass staring up at a multitude of stars in the night sky. Write a poem about what you imagine life on a distant planet to be like.
My home was a beautiful planet.
It sky was beautiful the stars were wishes meant to come true. I was looking at the stars thinking about other planets and how their home planet was. My planet was full of beings that lived their life as stars being wished upon. I seen shooting star flying pass so I made a wish. I knew my wish would come true one day. Knowing others wishes would come true. After stargazing I got up and flew home. I liked flying felt like a superhero flying. I lived in a world where many crazy things happen. Yesterday it rained stars and the world came out to see it. Magic. It was a evil system controlling the world. Corrupt. It was hard living in this world I lived in. I was a spy from a secret organization that monitored evil. My name is agent Q. Q is for quan. Me and my team are called the galactic corps.