‘Where there once was softness, now all had turned to stone'
Write a poem which closes with this line.
And So It Ends!
I watched at the beginning of the end.
The tsunamis came more often,
And land was lost.
The tornadoes & hurricanes
Ripped buildings and cities apart.
People were lost.
At the time no- one realised,
Or understood.
Or worse,
People didn’t care.
Slowly the world
Took its revenge.
Over the days, months, years,
Decades, centuries and beyond,
The earth moved and changed,
Reclaiming what had been taken.
When the time came,
The era of humanity
Was done.
My spirit stood and watched.
There was nothing left.
I cried tears,
That no-one would ever hear.
Where there once was softness,
Now all had turned to stone.