Midnight Assassin

I roamed the ballroom, saying hello and dancing with handsome strangers. This year I was told that the target you be marked by the white rose pinned to his pocket.

Many young men offered to dance and I danced with them all. While some I did show interest in, all I was concerned about was finding the person with a cream rose.

I watched the clock as the hours ticked on. A quarter to midnight, I spotted him.

He was talking to a young maiden, who was laughing. I decided to get closer by agreeing to dance with the newest suitor.

But just as I said yes, I watched the girl become angry and stomped away.

The boy awkwardly adjusted the rose and walked towards the champagne tower.

I kindly pulled away from the handsome stranger and gave him a hair pin. He promised he would wait, and I have no doubt he would.

It didn’t take long to pull the boy into a dark and empty hall way.

I whispered that I had a secret and watched as he leaned in.

I quickly pulled a dagger from my tight corset and plunged it into his chest.

He fell to the ground as drops of blood pooled around him.

I backed away, careful not to get blood on my dress.

As I turned I saw my latest dance partner watching from the archway.

He wasn’t scared. It was only the dead boy on the ground who didn’t know about the Ball of Sacrifice and its Midnight Assassin.

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