You open the front door to see a layer of fresh snow, with footprints leading out of your house... but you haven't been outside yet...

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Footprints In The Snow.

Last night there was only a dusting of snow on the ground, but this morning I opened my door and to my wonder there was a couple inches of snow. It was a beauty to behold. I was just taking in the beauty of the winter wonderland when my dog dashed pass my legs and out into the snow. Cooper loves the snow.

As I watched him run passed my legs and into the fresh snow, I saw another wonder. Heading away from my front door step we’re a set of footprints in the snow. There weren’t any leading towards the door just away from the door. That was strange because I had not left the house and no one had been visiting me so no one would be leaving my house.

I looked around and saw no other people on the road and no more footprints. They seemed to end abruptly right in the middle of my front lawn. Considering I had a pathway to my gate, it was strange because these door prints were far from the pathway.

They were also the size of a large man, no men visit me and no men live with me. Now I was puzzled. There was no sign of a break in and no sign of anyone having spent the night on my porch. What on earth was going on?

I scratched my head in wonderment. I spun around and walked into my house and went to the back porch and opened my back door. What to my amazement do I see? There were footprints starting in the middle of my yard and going straight to my back door. It was as if someone had literally appeared and walked through my house and out the other side then disappeared. How on earth was that possible?

Maybe last night during that weird light show it had opened a portal or a wormhole and someone had been walking across somewhere and passed right through my house. That is the only explanation. I could come up with that made sense. Well to a retired physicist like myself that would make sense.

Now to go reign in Cooper.

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