
TW: death, guns

“This isn’t you!” I cried. What had happened to him! His peace loving self had turned vengeful, hateful.

I stood before opposite him in the dark, square room . He was the leader of the resistance, turned government slave. He sharpened his knife, ignoring me.

“Please!” I yelled, “I promise that you’re not like this!” I was going to make him listen to me, no matter the cost. “I promise!”

“Tell me, what is a promise.” For the first time in the conversation, he looked up at me.

I tried to make words but my mouth wouldn’t let me.

“A promise.” He said, “is nothing to me anymore. I was promised that my parents -our parents- loved me. I was promised that I would have a decent life after running away. I have been promised to millions of times. Look how it turned out!”

A pang went through my chest.


“Be quiet!”

I stumbled backwards. He had never yelled at me before.

He dug his fingernails into his skin. “All that happened to me, and look, I’m fine. It’s not like if I do it to others they won’t survive, I did and I’m still good enough!”

“You’re not good if you want people to suffer!” I didn’t realize when it happened but now we were both balling out and screaming whenever we spoke.

“I don’t care! About you or anyone! I just want people to understand!”

“Then talk to me! Please! Can we just have a normal conversation!” My legs felt like noodles and my feet couldn’t feel the ground. Hands shaking and face turning red, I screamed. “Please.”

I couldn’t catch the breaths as they came. I felt like I was dying.

His muscles relaxed. Then they pushed his face into a strange shape. He was smiling.

Just as I thought that he understood. Just as I thought we could reconcile and be happy, or even just okay, he pulled out something.

That’s when a bullet shot through my head.

I scream. I knew death would hurt but not like this. I think most of the pain came from the one holding the gun, not the bullet. But their was no time for that, only time for my mouth to let out one last word.


I saw a tear race down his face.

Then my vision blanked out.

And I collapsed.

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