Submitted by SLW
The Favourite Child
Write a story or poem centered around this theme.
The Scientist’s Son
give me a hand
the scientist uttered
her voice was soft
fingers fluttering
the robot lay still
its wires all torn
her favorite child
the first she’d borne
she sighed and worked
her tools in a row
how did you break
she whispered so low
each screw she tightened
each wire she tied
her heart too full
though she tried to hide
it’s just a machine
that’s what they all say
but this one felt different
somehow some way
when its eyes flickered
and light filled the air
she smiled despite knowing
she shouldn’t care
hand now moving
its gaze met her own
looks like you’re back
she said in a tone
she held its hand
feeling warmth expand
then laughed and whispered
now give me a hand