Lost And Found

It was so dusty and dark. The sky was overcast with clouds and strong gusts of wind whipped my hair into my eyes. A dead street for miles and miles, full of broken and busted up buildings, no one else in sight. Everything was so…quiet. The only sounds were the sharp winds and soft clack of my shoes on pavement.

What…happened to this place? I thought to myself. I had just woken up an hour ago in a dirty motel, lost and confused, with no recollection of how I got there. In fact, the more I thought, I couldn’t remember anything at all.

What’s my last memory? I thought. I strained trying to picture something, anything from my mind but there was nothing; it was completely, thoroughly blank.

What the hell is going on? Why can’t I remember anything???

Who are you? I thought to myself. Start with small questions.

I pondered. I realized that this, too, was also gone. I had no clue who I was or anything about my identity. All I knew was that I was hungry and tired and lost, so terribly lost here.

I ambled the street, trying to find a place where food might be.

I should’ve just searched while I was back at the motel, I thought.

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